Energy projects
Technical advice and ESG on the funding of solar energy plants
Technical advice and ESG on the funding of 2 solar energy plants in Portugal, with a combined power of 272 MWp.
Estimation of a project’s long-term revenue
Long-term revenue estimate of a hybrid solar, wind and electric battery project at MIBEL.
Estimation of the production of a hydrogen plant
Estimation of the production of a green hydrogen plant of 150 MW using wind and solar energy in Uruguay.
Technical advice on the acquisition of a share in a biomass boiler company
Technical advice on the acquisition of a share in a company engaged in the development, construction and operation of biomass boilers for thermal supply to industries.
Portfolio of renewable energy generating assets
Consulting on the development of a portfolio of renewable energy generating assets with storage in Spain.
Refinancing of a portfolio of 85 wind farms
Technical advice on the refinancing of a portfolio of 85 wind farms (1,708 MW) and 49 solar energy plants (728 MW) both in operation and being developed in Spain and Portugal.
Purchase of biomass, purine and cogeneration plants
Technical advice on the acquisition of a company that owns 2 biomass plants, 1 biomass logistics center, 2 pig slurry treatment plants and 3 cogeneration plants in Spain with a total installed capacity of 92.1 MW.
Global energy management strategy
Advice on the Global Energy Management Strategy (GEMS) of 25 storage facilities and pumping stations for hydrocarbon products and on designing a power purchase agreement.
Self-consumption and electricity retailing
Market analysis of self-consumption and electricity retailing in Spain.
PV plants and wind farms in France
Yield assessment of 27 operating PV plants (105.1 MW) and 3 operating wind farms (37.2 MW) located in France.
Forest biomass plant in Colombia
Technical adviser to the lender on the financing of a 4.5 MW biomass plant in Puerto Carreño, Vichada.
Acquisition of 42 PV plants in Spain
Technical assistance in the acquisition of 42 PV plants under development in Spain, with a total capacity of 2 GWp.
Cabo Leonés III wind farm in Chile
Technical advice on the financing of a wind farm located in Chile, with a total capacity of 188.1 MW.
Tula combined cycle plant in Mexico
Technical advice to the banks financing the project for the repowering and modernization of the Tula combined cycle power plant with 275 MW of nominal capacity, in the state of Hidalgo.
Battery storage systems in El Salvador
Technical and market advice on the financing of 4 batteries totaling 14.6 MW for the integration in the electricity market of two PV plants in El Salvador owned by Neoen.
High voltage infrastructure in Uruguay
Technical advice to the lender on the financing of the Cardal 500 kV high voltage substation, the new 500 kV Cardal – Punta del Tigre transmission line, and the new 150 kV transmission line in Salto, Uruguay.